Monday, July 25, 2011

Coolest Night EVER!

This past weekend was the Cleveland Cultural Irish Festival in Berea, Ohio.  Being big into our Irish heritage, we love going to Irish Festivals and this one is always a lot of fun!

It's always great when our favorite bands play as well; Scythian and Seven Nations!!

Scythian played first and Aiden and Devon went into the pit to watch. Dan, the guitarist/accordian/singer, noticed Aiden right away (he had on a bagpipe shirt of course!) and grinned at him. Now Scythian is a very very very high energy concert. There is a lot of bouncing, dancing and clapping. It is one of the funnest concerts I have ever been to. I LOVE seeing them live. The energy they have while playing fiddle and guitar is just insane. How anyone can bounce like that AND carry a tune is amazing!  Aiden and my brother Devon stayed in the pit most of the show; Grady and I joined them for some dancing later. Grady enjoyed flirting with the girls in the crowd by lifting his shirt and showing off his belly. He's a goof!

After the show, Aiden and I went to the merchandise tent to buy a few CD's and the guys came over after they finished cleaning up. Aiden went up to meet the guys and get his CD signed and Dan recognized him as says

"Hey! It's the piper!"  So they chatted about music a bit, signed Aiden's CD and took a few pictures. It was great. Super, Super nice guys. Can't wait to see them next weekend when we go to the Dublin Irish Festival!

Then the next concert was Seven Nations. They have a song Grady LOVES called "All the People." Grady loves singing it and when we saw them friday night, they didn't sing it because they had a short set due to rain. My mom had an idea to make a sign and Devon made one saying "Please play All the People for my Little Brother Grady."  Aiden held it up while they were in the pit during the show.  The guys from Seven Nations brought AIDEN on stage to hold his sign to the crowd.....then asked if HE wanted to sing the song with them!! It was SO cool seeing Aiden onstage with the band and he sang the whole thing! Grady was in the corner dancing, and holding his sign so after the song, Kirk (the lead singer) brings Grady over, picks him up and Grady grabs the mic and yells "HI!"  The crowd loved it so he did it again! It was too cute!  Such an amazing memory for my boys and I think the guys in Seven Nations enjoyed it as well.

The whole way out of the festival that night, people kept coming up and giving the boys high fives and telling them they did an awesome job. It was so great. Aiden kept saying...."I'm famous now Mom!"

Sadly- I didn't get any pics. I will have to steal some from my mom so I can post and share because they are SO cute!! All in all, it was an amazing night!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hershey Park

 Aiden's in heaven!
 "I eat it now?"
 A pregnant woman's favorite place

 Can you tell he's excited?

 My baby going on a big ride with Daddy
 Yup....he's up there. I was down here; freaking out. I couldn't watch!

 Clear the road!!! Grady's driving!
 Aiden was very excited to finally see the Hershey Kiss lights
 A tired little boy with his reese man
And my brothers bought 10 lbs of Jolly Ranchers......each.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


My family and I took a little break from reality and escaped to Gettysburg, PA for a long weekend. We had an wonderful time. I have always loved the Civil War and Battle of Gettysburg but hadn't been to Gettysburg for many years. Aiden has been developing a love for the Civil War and Gettysburg and I couldn't wait to share this beautiful, hallowed place with him.
Grady exploring Sachs Bridge. The bridge has been rebuilt since the war due to a flood but almost all the original materials were used in the rebuilding. This bridge was used as a coming and going of both armies and story has it, deserters were hung from its rafters

 Gettysburg is one of the most beautiful areas I have ever been to.

 Aiden exploring the nooks and crannies of Devils Den
 Scene of one of the most famous Gettysburg "body" pictures; the dead sharpshooter propped against the wall.
 The boys loved exploring and climbing.
 The Irish Brigade Monument. (At the foot lies an Irish Wolfhound)
One of my favorite monuments- the detail is just AMAZING. From the stitching on the pants, to the holes in the coat, it is just a beautiful, beautiful monument in the Gettysburg National Cemetary Annex. 
 My brothers and sons at the National Cemetary.
 Over 700 markers, just labeled by a number marking where unknown soldiers lie.
This is one of my favorite stories. Evergreen Cemetery is in Gettysburg and the family who ran it consisted on a Mr. Thorn, Mrs Thorn and 3 young boys. The father went to war, as many did. Mrs Thorn, who was 6 months pregnant, was left with 3 boys, ages 7, 5 and 3 when the Battle of Gettysburg began. When the 3 day battle was over, Gettysburg was littered with bodies. Mrs Thorn and her 3 young boys buried over 100 soldiers, union and confederate in Evergreen Cemetery on their own. 
The grave of Jennie Wade, the only civilian killed during the battle. Jennie was baking bread for the soldiers when a bullet came through her kitchen door. 
 Johnny Reb and Billy Yank
 The kitchen Door at Jennie Wade house where the bullet entered that killed Jennie.
 Outside Jennie Wade house.
 Grady loved the cannons! He would yell "Ok? OK? OK?! BOOM!!"
 This is Sally (and Grady of course.) Sally followed the 11th PA INF everywhere, including into battle. She would stand guard over the bodies of her soldiers when they fell in the field. She survived Gettysburg only to be killed later in the war.
 We left a few doggie treats for Sally
 Grady was super excited!
 General Lee looking across Picketts Charge
 The story of Chamberlain and the 20th Maine and how they held the line on Little Round Top is my favorite. This is the first time I've seen the monument and to see this, covered in stones and notes of thanks was very moving.
 Some of the stones, flags and notes left around the 20th Maine Monument.
 View of the Slaughter Pit and Devils Den from Little Round Top
 Aiden, Grady and our friend Josiah found a union soldier waiting on the hill
 Pennsylvania Monument
 Grady at the High Water Mark
 My handsome Aiden growing up so fast
 Grady found a walking stick
 This gentleman survived the battle and later came back to carve his name into the rock where he was stationed. It's still there almost 150 years later
 The rocks where the name can be found- it's a bit of a treasure hunt.
Grady at the top of the observation tower on Culp's Hill.

I have MANY more pictures to share! We also spent a day at Hershey Park and did a bit of ghost hunting around Gettysburg at night. Wait until you see those pictures! I will have those blogs up very soon! 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Days fly by

Man, where is summer going??  It seems like yesterday we had snow on the ground (which it could have been because this is Ohio after all) but now it's the July!

We have been keeping pretty busy here. Grady is taking several summer classes in addition to his regular therapies. Aiden started taking OT therapy again to work on some skills before 3rd grade starts. We've had a garage sale and planning another one this weekend. Spent time at Cedar Point. Had a quiet 4th of July at home BBQ-ing with Mom and the other usual suspects. We've spent many evenings gathered around Mom's fire pit; roasting marshmallows and enjoying family company.

And now we leave next week for Gettysburg! (which we are all VERY excited about!)

After that we have the Cleveland Irish Festival. The Dublin Irish Festival (when we will spend the weekend in Dublin, OH), a possible trip to North Carolina to visit my sister and before we know it; it will be time for Liam to arrive!!! Days do fly by!

But we are having a great summer, taking it day by day; healing as a family and growing closer every day.

Last friday we went to our first Lake Erie Crushers game (local minor league team) and had an awesome time!  Here are a few pictures for your enjoyment.
Our view from the seats; 2nd row behind home plate!

 Trevor, Devon and Aiden enjoying dinner and a ball game
 Silly Grady loves watching baseball!
 Enjoying the game late in the evening
 After 13 innings; the Crushers won!
 After the fireworks; the kids got to run the bases!
 Go! Go Aiden go!
 Grady and Devon rounding the bases

And heading HOME!