Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring Weather

Well...the weather isn't very spring like right now. Mother Nature has a nasty panties on and it's about 42 degrees and some places have s...s...s.....snow! EW! I am ready for sunshine and hot weather!

But a few days ago, it was nice enough for Liam to spend some time outside and I managed to get some cute pictures of my littlest.

And a few of middle-est too. He is not a fan of getting his pictures taken anymore....

I know I never have any new pictures of Aiden. I feel bad but it feels like he's never home! He has school all day, comes home and has homework, practices his chanter and by then; it's dinner time!
But I swear I have 3 kids.....

And they are pretty darn cute......and I'm not biased at all!

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