Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Today I had a doctor appointment for the baby. I was really worried about this one. The stress level around here has been at mach 5 the past few weeks due to family stuff. Like really bad (but that's for another post)

So I was worried that all the stress and crying and hysterics (at times) had affected the baby on some level. I was so scared they wouldn't find a heart beat or even my weight would keep them from finding a good beat.

Of course, Dr. K had just left for a delivery when I arrived so my appointment was delayed. Which meant waiting and wondering for over an hour past my appointment time.

Finally it was my turn. The nurse took me back and did the blood pressure/weight thing. I am down 3 lbs from last months appointment but up 4 pounds from two weeks ago when I lost 7 lbs or so due to the stress.

Dr K finally came in and checked the heartbeat first. I think MY heart was in my throat. He looked around for about 30 seconds.....which didn't help my anxiety....and then............

whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh

The BEST sound in the world!!!

Babys heartbeat is at 150 bpm (which I'm told by friends is "girl" range. I hope so!!!) Dr K says heartbeat sounded great, I'm measuring right on track and everything looks good.

He told me to make sure I am gaining weight steadily (so I need to gain back what I've lost). Now that is something I've never been told before!! I've always gained weight quickly (too quickly) with my boys and I am already over-weight.

This pregnancy has been so different from both of my boys (which I'm hoping means girl too!). No vomiting, just nausea. Major major food aversions. Horrible acne (never got a spot with either boy). Nasty metallic taste after I eat. Insomnia instead of exhaustion.

Next appointment is in late April with the big ultrasound to follow in May. It seems so far away!! I wanna know what this little bean is now!!

But man, the feel of sweet relief knowing that the baby is growing good and sounding great.

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