Monday, April 4, 2011

When he sleeps in.....

This little guy gives me a lot of anxiety sometimes....
Or I should say his Asthma does.

Every major weather change, Gradys asthma acts up. Yesterday was no exception. With a warm front and pressure from major thunderstorms pushing through, Grady was coughing like crazy! I gave him his nebulizer treatments and thankfully we were able to get through the night without a full blown attack.

But everytime he sleeps in past 8:30 I start to panic.

Ordinarily, a three year old sleeping in would be pleasure to most parents. To me, it half is and is half panic.

In august 2010 Grady slept in. Or so I thought.

We were living in Norwalk, in an older house that we've had problems with. The night before, I tore up some carpet to lay tiles near the front door. I thought I took every precaution to keep Grady safe. I didn't do anything until Grady was upstairs, in his room asleep. I used fans and a ton of bleach before laying the tiles.

But that morning, at 11:15 Grady still wasn't making noise. I went upstairs to check on him and found him laying in bed. He was awake but his lips were blue. Normally, Grady has very very noisy asthma attacks so when I found him like this, asthma didn't cross my mind.

I got him into the doctor right away. He pinked up a bit as I moved him around but he was still very lethargic. At the doctor they checked him pulse ox and it was only 93! After a breathing treatment, it went up to 96/97 which was acceptable.

Grady had a silent asthma attack. If I had gotten to him a half hour later....the outcome might have been very very different.

His doctor warned us since it happened once, it could happen again, especially if we didn't change his environment. We moved out of that house less than a month later.

Since moving into this house (with no carpet and all wood floors), Grady's asthma has been much much better! He usually has an asthma attack every 2 months or so (which is better than every week or two weeks like in Norwalk).

But I still worry. Of course. I couldn't imagine losing this little angel.

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