Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Around here....

Around here....we're sleeping a little better since I bought a co-sleeper. Liam just doesn't like being alone.  He sleeps great in the co-sleeper and only wakes up at bottle time. It's okay-I like having him close by. He still breathes rapidly and I take comfort in being close and being able to hear and feel him breathing.

Around here....we're super proud of Aiden for bringing home a mid-term with straight A's.  He is really doing wonderful in 3rd grade. I don't think he has brought home a test with less than a B on it!

Around here....we're also super proud of Grady who has been wearing underwear for over a week with NO accidents. While I was in the NICU with Liam, Grady decided it was time to potty train. So my Grandma got to do all the hard work; which apparently wasn't much because Grady was ready. He now wears underwear all day and uses his potty by himself! He's still wearing a diaper to bed because he does wake up wet most morning but I am so proud of the progress he's made!

Around here....Liam put back on the weight he lost in the NICU. As of October 6th, he was 8 lbs 10oz. He's still eating really well; 3 oz every 3 hours and he makes a huge dribbly mess when he eats. He's awake more during the day but still up every 3 hours at night to eat. Liam is starting to coo more instead of grunting but he is very good at growling. And he is smiling more and more everyday and it's beautiful!


Around here...I'm staying super busy taking care of my 3 guys and the household. Somedays I feel like I'm running around like mad or I'm so tired I might fall over; or both. But I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love being a Mommy of 3 beautiful, wonderful, amazing boys.

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