Monday, October 24, 2011

One Month Old

 Guess who's ONE month old??
He looks thrilled, doesn't he?
 Liam finally settles on just giving me the stink eye. This photoshoot wasn't his favorite.
 What a month it has been! We defiantly didn't have the start everyone imagined, with our weeklong NICU stay. But the past 3 weeks have been wonderful. 
 Liam is a very happy, easy going baby. He is a joy to have around.
 His silly expressions keeps everyone giggling. Here he shows off his best Zoolander impression.
 And he's starting to smile in response to people and things. 
 Grady just loves being a big brother! He hasn't shown any signs of jealousy and always asks if "Liam is awake?" so he can give him kisses and "pets".
Aiden has been a huge, huge help. He loves feeding Liam when my hands are full making dinner or taking care of Grady.

I am so blessed to have three wonderful boys. Liam has filled a hole in our family that none of us knew we really had.

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