Friday, December 16, 2011

9 days until Christmas

Earlier this month I got my handsome boys pictures taken!
As you can see....they turned out darn cute!

We've been pretty busy lately getting ready for Christmas. 
I'm ready for it to be here so I stop spending money!
Thankfully I am done shopping!
The boys are very excited (well two of the three are.)

A few days ago I made one of those North Pole Videos from Santa for each of the boys. Grady thought it was so cool that Santa knew his name and age and had his picture.

Aiden cried. Literally just started bawling when the video ended. He said it was because he's so happy. I don't know if he thought he'd be on the naughty list and hearing he was on the good list was such a relief or having that "confirmation" that Santa is real when he's at an age where so many questions are being asked by his peers.  It was magical to see that absolute Joy in his eyes. To see he still 100% believes in the magic of Santa and Christmas.  I know his time of innocence and belief is running out. Soon he will be a cynical pre-teen. But I cherish these little moments of Magic with my eldest son. 

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