Wednesday, November 30, 2011


A little over 3 years ago, Grady was diagnosed with developmental delays including a motor planning delay. Since then, he has been in one pediatric therapy or another.

A little over 2 years ago, he started speech therapy. At 20 months old; all Grady could say was Mama, Dada and make animal noises. So he started therapy with Cyndi at FTMC Pediatric Department (this was in addition to Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy.) He was such a hard worker. He always tried everything she asked of him and had a work ethic you wouldn't expect to find in someone so young. And it paid off! He has made amazing progress! Now, at 3 1/2, Grady has a normal level vocabulary, can carry on conversations and follow directions. He still has a few articulation problems but Cyndi thinks they should get better in time and practice.

So as of today; My Grady was discharged from Speech Therapy at FTMC!! It's been a long road but  he's done awesome. He is still in OT at the pediatric center and probably will be for a while because of his fine motor delays. He is still doing home therapy with OT and PT. He does have speech at home but his teacher wants him re-evaluated because he's seen the same wonderful progress.

I'm so proud of my silly little guy!

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