Sunday, August 28, 2011

Liam's Nursery

It's FINISHED!!!  Well......close to finished! All that needs done is his curtains and a few little finishing touches but other than that; it is baby ready!!

 The inspiration for the room. I LOVE how this turned out!
 Close up on the Thomas Kinkade painting
 Peter Pan Portal. It is so neat!

Beautiful handmade sign above his closet.

So we've got to make a trip to the Disney Store and see if we can find little Peter Pan things for finishing touches. I need to wash all Liam's clothes. Mom is making his curtain and baby blanket (pictures to follow). So yeah, we're pretty much ready for the little guy!

Hear that Liam??  TIME TO COME OUT!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I followed your link from MWOPblog. I'm in Ohio 2 and I have 3 boys :-). We're in Wayne county. Did you know that if your boys are proficient at bagpipes, the College of Wooster has huge scholarships? I imagine other schools do as well but COW is close to us. Anyhow, just a thought.
    I'm sorry to read about your male parent. Our friends adopted 2 girls from Cleveland who had a similar male parent. Nasty business. Will keep you in my thoughts.
    Anyhow, I'm Katie and wanted to say Hi. Moms of boys have to stick together LOL
