Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ghosts of Gettysburg

Ok- I know I promised this post after our trip last month but time has really gotten away from me! I can't believe we're into august already!!  But's the promised post :-)

There's something about Gettysburg. It is hallowed ground. So many young men died such violent deaths. Some quickly took from this world; others left to suffer for hours or days on end. Just walking the grounds of Gettysburg, you can feel it in the air. This beautiful place is so thick with sorrow. The ground that I walked was once stained red. The rivers were crimson. Bodies littered fields to the point where no grass was visible. I can't even imagine the smell or the sounds as the wounded lay, frightened and dying.

With so much violence and pain; not all that died found a peaceful path to the "other side".  There are many ways that ghosts make their presence known. Most often, it is through "orbs", which can not be seen by the naked eye but through photography. They look like circles of light, big and small. Sometimes appearing just a few at a time; other times (as you'll see, in HUGE clusters).  Sometime ghosts can take on their human shape, again mostly through photography, but sometimes appearing to a person as well.

My husband and brothers loved going out at night Ghost hunting. Most of these photos are taken at "The Grove" near the  high school. A very bloody battle was fought at The Grove. The ground was so saturated with blood that it squished red when walked upon, if a spot could be found between the hundreds of fallen soldiers.

My brother, Devon; you can see a few small orbs in front of him.

 Nice bright orb hanging over the wooded path.

 My husband Brett and brother Trevor; Trevor is looking right up at a faint orb.
 Orb cluster

 The orb in the right corner is a great example; very bright and zooming in you can see the "sparkles" on the edges.

 HUGE orb cluster

 Brett being followed down the path.
 He says he felt "cold" walking back-often a sign of a ghost. Well yea....he has orbs surrounding him!
 One step later and they are gone.

This is my favorite one. In the center of the orb cluster, you can see the shadow/outline of a person. There was no one there when this photo was taken.

Well, no one alive that is.

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