Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Eviction Notice!

Liam has been served!

We tried all weekend to get him to evacuate on his own (bouncing, squats, lunges, tropical fruit, variety of teas, and other methods).  And except for my ligaments become more painful and some random cramping; we made no progress.  I blame it on the fact that he's an Irish/German.....

At today's dr. appt I was 3-4 cm and 50%.  I had a lot of water weight gain as well, which I figured would happen since my ankles disappeared and throbbing sausages replaced my fingers.  So, since I will be 39 weeks on thursday- we've decided to proceed with an induction!

I am SUPER excited! I know a lot of people are against "early" inductions but this is really a good thing for us. Not only am I totally OVER being pregnant but this way I can guarantee that my husband will be able to be there!  With him being a truck driver and on the road all week, we were worried he would miss the birth. This way (as long as Liam doesn't decide to come tonight or tomorrow), Brett will be able to be there for sure.  We won't have to worry about my Grandma rushing the 20 minute drive to watch Aiden and Grady. I won't have to worry about the 30 minute drive to the hospital and having a car baby on the way.

So Thursday evening I will be heading into the hospital at about 8:30pm to start in induction. It's funny- all my kids have been born in the 20's.  Aiden's birthday is April 29th. Grady's is February 22nd and Liam's will be September 22nd or 23rd!!  

I have a feeling that tomorrow (and during the day thursday) is going to go by very very slowly!! I'm so anxious to meet the little guy. I'm praying everything goes smoothly......and I get a great epidural like last time!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


3 cm and 50% as of 9/13/2011!!!

Dr said could be anytime this week.....most women hit 4 cm and that triggers labor! I'm nervous but excited! Ready to be done being pregnant! My ligaments can't take much more!!

Come on Liam!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I remember

10 years ago-when the world changed forever-I was living in Lakeland Florida.  I was attending Southeastern Bible College and I had only been there a few weeks. We didn't have our cable set up-or internet. I was just learning the personalities of the other girls in my dorm hall. There were two girl who were very loud, over the top and not always truthful. It was from them my roommate Krystal and I first heard the news.

We were on our way to chapel services when the two girls started yelling "A plane hit New York! The world is ending! We're under attack!"  Krystal and I glanced at each other but didn't believe a word. It wasn't until we arrived at Chapel and the college President called everyone to attention and told us what had happened.  I remember my heart pounding. I couldn't fathom what was happening. All around me, people were crying.  The President let the kids from New York use his cell phone to call home. We prayed.

Each time we were called to attention, we were given worse news. The Pentagon being hit. The first, and then second, tower falling. I just couldn't imagine.

Classes were not cancelled that day. We were told, if we gave up and hid; stopping our lives, it would be a win for the terrorists. Being a Tuesday, I had no classes that day. After we were dismissed, we made our way back to the dorms and I saw my first images of the chaos in New York in my RA's dorm room, the only working TV in our building.  I don't remember ever crying. It made me feel numb.  It made me feel very alone, being a thousand miles away from my family.

I tried to call home. My mom worked nights and was sleeping, my father had little to say and wouldn't wake her up.  I called and talked to my grandparents for a short time.  I didn't feel much better after that.  It was a time when you wanted to be with your loved ones and I was with people who were basically strangers.

My dorm mates and I decided that we wanted to do something; so we all went to the blood bank to donate.  I remember sitting in the waiting room-watching the images on the TV screen and still feeling shock-but also watching the streams of people coming in to donate blood. Americas taking what little action they could, thousands of miles away from the tragedy.  Because I was anemic, I wasn't able to give blood that day.  It made me sad that I couldn't do my part, couldn't contribute in even that tiny way.

It took them quite a while to get our cable set up at college. I didn't see many of the images of 9-11 until the first anniversary.

And now it's 10 years later. It's hard to believe it has been 10 years.  I think it was always feel like yesterday. I will always remember what I felt, even so far removed from what happened.  I'll remember the horror of seeing those first images, the chill of loneliness and longing for my close family. I'll always remember feeling proud and honored to be an American as I heard the stories of the heroes of that day-even years later.  And that feeling of awe as I sat in a blood bank in Lakeland, Florida and watched people arriving in droves to do their tiny part to help.

I have two boys who are just learning a tiny bit about what happened that day.  I will not hide these events from them.  This is a part of their history but has also molded the future that they live in. Being 8 and 3, they don't grasp 100% what 9-11 represents.

Yesterday was the first time Grady had vocalized an understanding for the pictures he saw.  I was watching an online tribute and he stood next to me.  He saw a picture of the plane hitting the tower and says:

"Oh! What happened?"
"An airplane hit the building."
"Who did that?"
"Bad guys made the airplane do that."
"Bad guys? That's bad!"  He sees pictures of people crying and asks "Why they sad?"
"Because the bad guys crashed the airplanes and people died."
He is quiet for a beat and then says "Oh." and finishes watching the video in silence.

At three, how much could he really understand?  But I think, for the first time, it touched him a tiny bit, that this was something monumental.

I will never forget. I will always remember. My children will learn about what happened on that day, and the many days that followed.

I am PROUD to be an American.

God Bless America.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

2 cm

I went to the OB on Tuesday and had my first "check".  I was shocked to find out that at almost 37 weeks, I was already 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced!  I've been having a lot, a lot of braxton hicks, so I shouldn't have been so surprised. It seems everything I do has brought cramping.....walking, sitting, standing.....breathing! But I was still surprised when he said that.

This pregnancy has gone by so very fast. I don't know if it's been because of being busy with 2 active boys, the drama surrounding my life, the fact that this will be my last pregnancy or a combination of them all but time has flown by.

In a lot of ways, I have enjoyed this pregnancy more than the other two. Liam has been much, much more active than Grady and Aiden were. I don't remember feeling Aiden move much at all but I was also very very over weight when pregnant with him.  Grady was very far into my back so I didn't feel hardly any movement.  But not Liam, he has kicked and squirmed and pushed like crazy! It's been a very interesting experience. I've loved every movement (even when he kicks my ribs!)

It's also funny that I had to wait until my last pregnancy to get a belly as well! Like I said, I was over weight with Aiden. Because of Grady's position, I hardly looked pregnant at all....I just had a tiny "pouch".  And now I have an actual hard, protruding, belly button aching belly. It's so strange and wonderful at the same time. I'm very glad I got to experience having a belly. Although it isn't the perfect "basketball" belly I am always so jealous of; I'm enjoying the experience of having my own sticking out belly.....even if it's a slight triangle!

I'm trying not to think about the actual birth part too much. I'm praying it's an easy one like I had with Grady. I had a wonderful epidural and except for the heartburn, I had no discomfort. When it was time to push, he was here in 5 minutes! I'd love another delivery like that! I worry about going into labor on my own, instead of an induction. I want another induction to make sure Brett is there. Chances are, if I go into labor on my own, unless it's a weekend; he won't be there. I want my sister to be there as well and she can't come into town until the 17th.

I am very anxious to meet Liam. I wonder if he will look more like Grady or Aiden (even though they look so much alike as newborns.)  Will he will be laid back (please??) like Grady?  Slightly fussy like Aiden?  Or will he be someone completely different?  I can't wait to see Aiden and Grady with their little brother, especially Grady who has had very little contact with babies. I really hope he doesn't have jealousy issues; he is very much a mommas boy.

So now I wait anxiously as these last few weeks (or days) tick by. I can't wait to meet you little Liam!

Monday, September 5, 2011

flapping in the breeze

Have I ever mentioned that my Mom is an awesome seamstress??  When my siblings and I were younger, she used to make our Halloween costumes, some pretty awesome ones too!

She has made each of my boys their own baby blankets (plus a small one for travel.) Liam's is coming soon.

She's made curtains for the boys rooms as well!

And now Liam has curtains too!

A close up of the beautiful material. It's also Thomas Kinkade and matches the main picture. Liam's baby blanket will be made of the same material!