Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Eviction Notice!

Liam has been served!

We tried all weekend to get him to evacuate on his own (bouncing, squats, lunges, tropical fruit, variety of teas, and other methods).  And except for my ligaments become more painful and some random cramping; we made no progress.  I blame it on the fact that he's an Irish/German.....

At today's dr. appt I was 3-4 cm and 50%.  I had a lot of water weight gain as well, which I figured would happen since my ankles disappeared and throbbing sausages replaced my fingers.  So, since I will be 39 weeks on thursday- we've decided to proceed with an induction!

I am SUPER excited! I know a lot of people are against "early" inductions but this is really a good thing for us. Not only am I totally OVER being pregnant but this way I can guarantee that my husband will be able to be there!  With him being a truck driver and on the road all week, we were worried he would miss the birth. This way (as long as Liam doesn't decide to come tonight or tomorrow), Brett will be able to be there for sure.  We won't have to worry about my Grandma rushing the 20 minute drive to watch Aiden and Grady. I won't have to worry about the 30 minute drive to the hospital and having a car baby on the way.

So Thursday evening I will be heading into the hospital at about 8:30pm to start in induction. It's funny- all my kids have been born in the 20's.  Aiden's birthday is April 29th. Grady's is February 22nd and Liam's will be September 22nd or 23rd!!  

I have a feeling that tomorrow (and during the day thursday) is going to go by very very slowly!! I'm so anxious to meet the little guy. I'm praying everything goes smoothly......and I get a great epidural like last time!!

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