Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Four Years Old!

Today my beautiful, wonderful, funny middle son turns 4 years old. I can not believe he is so old already! It feels like just yesterday, I was bringing him home from the hospital.

Or he was getting ready to dig into his first birthday cake-

Or he was an ornery little two year old-

Or my silly three year old-

But now my baby is Four.

He's a little man now, FULL of adventure and spirit. He loves Star Wars and pirates. He roots for the bad guys. He likes orange, like his brother. He's still a picky eater and just wants Macaboni for his birthday dinner. He's a wonderful big brother to his baby. He's done wonderful in therapy this year and was discharged from speech therapy. He loves to read and finger paint. He always wants to be outside. He has the best laugh I have ever heard and I hope it never changes. He can't wait until he's tall enough to ride the big roller coasters at Cedar Point (that could take a while....). He loves his kitty, his toys and his new big boy bed.

He loves his Mommy and Daddy and Brothers, his Mam-maw, Uncles and GG. His best friend is James and they are BIG trouble together. And he is SO SO silly.

This morning, I asked him how it feels to be 4 years old and he told me:

"It feels old. I feel like an old man. Like Yoda."

Ah Grady-I love you so much. You bring so much joy and laughter to my life and everyone around you. People just can't help but smile when they are around you.

I couldn't imagine a moment without you.

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