Friday, June 29, 2012

Liam's First Haircut.

I put if off as long as a possibly could.

Never mind that it was hanging in his eyes....

I loved my little Liam's hair! It's so soft and a beautiful reddish-blondish-brown. All the long hair grew from the middle of his head. It was hanging down to his little nose, I was practically tucking it behind his ear. But I couldn't cut it yet. His would be my very last "first" haircut. All his sweet baby hair would be gone.

But it obviously couldn't be put off much longer (even though I threw around the idea of sticking it up in a blue bow for a while....that was quickly nixed by...everyone!)

So my baby went for his first haircut.

Bye baby hair.... *sniff*

Hello Big Boy!  He looks SO old now!!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ohio Scottish Games 2012

Yesterday was Aiden's big day. He's been practicing and preparing all year for it.  The 2012 Ohio Scottish Games! This year Aiden memorized "Scotland the Brave" and "Balmorow" (I honestly have no idea how to spell that so I'm spelling it phonically.)

He was so ready and not nervous at all!

And he ROCKED it!  He competed against 4 other kids. 2 are from his lessons, 1 from Canada and Aiden is the youngest of the group.

And guess what?

Aiden won FIRST!!!

I'm so very proud of him! He's worked so hard this year and improved so much!
Of course we spent all day at the Games and had a bunch of fun!

Liam ate a chocolate cracker and was very happy about it!

Grady got his very own kilt and it matches Aidens! He was super excited! (As was I! I mean, how flipping cute are these two?!)

Liam cheesed it up while waiting for the massed band.

People always make fun of bagpipes but when there is a huge gathering like this, I think it is one of the most beautiful sounds. Hearing 100 pipes playing Amazing Grace always brings goosebumps and tears. It never gets old and is a highlight for me every single year.

And of course we watched big guys in kilts throw trees!  Otherwise known as the Caber Toss!

Sometimes it works better without a shirt. I can't argue....

And this is the Lochaber Pipe Band getting ready for their competition. The man in the blue is Aiden's teacher. He is such a wonderful, nice and patient man!

We had a ton of fun at this years games! I swear, every year it gets better!  Can't wait to see what next year brings....maybe Aiden will be on a set of Pipes!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

9 month photos

For the past nine months I've been taking Liam's pictures on his monthly birthday.

Only it's been getting more and more difficult to get a good picture....




Liam....don't eat the sign!!

Happy nine month Birthday little guy!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Horse Therapy

Every Summer, Grady took extra pediatric therapy classes at his therapy center. This year, they changed it and only had classes for 7 and older. I was really disappointed. During the summer, Grady doesn't have his home therapies and only goes to the pediatric center once a week. We're working a lot on his core strength where he is weak.
So that day I came home and started searching. A few days before, my Mom had mentioned something about horse back riding and the muscles it builds. Which got me thinking that it would be something that would really benefit Grady.
I found a wonderful program in Norwalk called Stampede of Dreams. And the best part, Aiden could do it too because they worked with his with aspergers and adhd as well! I sent an e-mail to the director and even though sign up had ended a month before....they have 2 spots open! It was meant to be!!

This program has been amazing! The staff of volunteers are so wonderful and patient and loving to my kids. The boys LOVE the horses and learning new things. They love their helpers. They even got to participate in a real horse show this weekend and earned ribbons. I am so, so grateful that I found this program. I think it's the best thing ever! 

And now...the pictures!

When the boys get to the stable, they have to find their helmets and name tags.

And then they warm up their muscles on Brownie, the equine horse.

Then the boys go into the field with their helpers (they each have 3 adults with them.) and they brush their horses. Grady's favorite horse is Sunny and Aiden loves Corkey.

And then it's time to get in the saddle!  (This horse is Doc.)

A quick check on the saddle and then they are ready to go!

They have to lean over and reach into a bucket to get a stuffed animal. Then they had to ride to a mailbox and lean over to put the toy inside.

Aiden has a lot of fun talking to his side walker.

A little blurry....but this is Grady's first time trotting. He LOVES it!

On Sunday, the boys competed in a horse show! They did a halter lead even and an obstacle course!

Waiting to go into the ring.

Grady and Sunny's turn!

A bunch of happy kids!!

The boys with both of their ribbons. Every week they count the days until it's horse day!  Thank you Stampede of Dreams for having such a wonderful program!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Swim, Swim

The weather has been hot here! Summer has finally arrived. I love hot weather. Well, I should clarify, I love hot weather during the day and cooler weather for sleeping!

The boys have been taking full advantage of the beautiful weather and spending lots of time in the water. Grady had playgroup at the beach last week and they had a blast!

Liam didn't swim at the beach. I hate Lake Erie's water. It seems so gross to me. I told Aiden and Grady they could only go to their knees. Of course, they both fell and got soaked but I don't think any nasty water was swallowed.

A few days later, at Mam-maw's house, Liam finally got to test his new bathing suit out!

He wasn't too sure about wearing clothes in a "bath" or being outside. But after a few minutes, he got to splashing!


The big kids played in the sprinkler. We have several. This days choice was the good old fashioned spray one.