Monday, June 11, 2012

Swim, Swim

The weather has been hot here! Summer has finally arrived. I love hot weather. Well, I should clarify, I love hot weather during the day and cooler weather for sleeping!

The boys have been taking full advantage of the beautiful weather and spending lots of time in the water. Grady had playgroup at the beach last week and they had a blast!

Liam didn't swim at the beach. I hate Lake Erie's water. It seems so gross to me. I told Aiden and Grady they could only go to their knees. Of course, they both fell and got soaked but I don't think any nasty water was swallowed.

A few days later, at Mam-maw's house, Liam finally got to test his new bathing suit out!

He wasn't too sure about wearing clothes in a "bath" or being outside. But after a few minutes, he got to splashing!


The big kids played in the sprinkler. We have several. This days choice was the good old fashioned spray one.


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