Sunday, June 3, 2012


I am a dog person, specifically a big dog person! No little froo-froo dog for me (no offense to froo-froo dog lovers.) I grew up with Labs and my dream dog is in Irish Wolfhound. I love BIG dogs.

I've been casually searching for a dog online for a while now. I knew when I found the one, all the details would fall into place, like it was meant to be. I refuse to buy from pet stores or breeders. I wanted a dog who needed a home, either from a shelter, rescue or re-homing.

A few days ago, while searching Craigslist, I ran across an ad for a Labradoodle. I loved his picture with his floppy black hair and big soulfull eyes. I couldn't get him out of my head. So I messaged the owner and she messaged back within a few minutes.  His name is Moe and he's 9 months old. She had gotten a 2nd job and didn't think it was fair to Moe to be alone all the time.  We exchanged a few messages and then spoke on the phone for a while. Moe sounded wonderful! What really made me feel like it was a small world and meant to be was when she said she was originally from the place I live!

We arranged to meet at her local dog park the next day.

The next morning the boys and I made the trek to the dog park. I was a little leery it could be a scam and the irrational part of my brain started thinking about the Craigslist Killers. I was happy when the dog park was in the open and quite busy.

We went in and met the owner and Moe, a big floppy moose of a puppy! It only took a few minutes of watching him bounce around the park that I knew I wanted to bring him home. I watched him interact with the other dogs and my kids and I knew he was the one for us!

After 2 hours of visiting, we took Moe home.  His owner was really upset and I promised whenever she was in town, she could visit Moe.

This is Moe.

And his parrot.

Moe is doing great! He's friendly, trained well and happy. He loves tennis balls and being my shadow. Last night, he decided Grady is his buddy and they bounced and ran and played ball for a good 30 minutes. It was so great. That is what I wanted for my kids, a buddy they can grow up with, just like I had.

Hanging with their doggy. (Aiden loves Moe too....he has just never been much of an animal person...)


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