Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July

What a great 4th of July! We had so much fun!

The boys had the chance to ride in the Norwalk 4th of July Parade with Stampede of Dreams (their therapy horse program they participate in.) They thought they were so cool (and they were!)  They rode on the float on the equine horses.

The boys had so much fun! Grady couldn't stop talking about how he waved to people and threw candy at them.

And then, because it's so wicked hot here in Ohio, it was time for a swim!

Liam was wiped out and slept right through dinner!!

Moe had a good time too! He played with his 'cousins' and stole tennis balls.

The boys took a break and played with some legos (for about 3 minutes before the fighting started....)

And then it was time for sparklers!  We had to hurry because it was thundering and we thought a storm was heading in (not a single drop of rain fell!)

Aiden is a fire dancer!

All the boys! My brother, brother-in-law and 3 adorable little guys!

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!!!

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