Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Waterpark Fun

The weather has been hot, hot, hot here and I felt quite adventurous the other day. So I decided to take all 3 boys to Soak City, on my own. Yup, I was feeling brave!

It was Liam's first trip to a waterpark. He's been having fun swimming in Mam-Maw's pool this week so I wasn't worried about him not enjoying the water.

He thought catching the water was fun.

But enjoyed bear crawling through the shallow water.

Aiden was a good big brother and helped Liam around the baby lazy river.

After a few hours....Liam passed out!

The big kids had fun playing on the slides.

And in the water playground. All in all, it was a pretty easy day. We stuck to the little kids areas (except when Aiden went on the mat racers) and took the stroller along so I wasn't stuck holding Liam everywhere. It was a lot of fun and then we spent more time in Cedar Point!

We'll be back soon!!

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