Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Liam's First Birthday Party

I can not believe my little baby is a year old! Time has gone by way too fast. He's turning into a little man before my eyes!

On September 22nd we had Liam's Birthday party. Of course, it was a Mickey Theme. Now let me tell you, I had a lot of stress coming into this party! I had 25+ people coming and was planning on using our backyard. And then the weather decided it didn't want to co operate. Days before the party, the weather man was predicting cold and rain all day. So I spent a few days scrambling and was able to line up some tents for the backyard and just prayed it wouldn't be windy!!

I've also been working weekends at Cedar Point as a Screamster. I wasn't going to get home Friday night until 1:00 am-ish. So I was really relying heavily on Brett helping with the cleaning and I had a wonderful friend who started a catering business do all the food. And my wonderful Mom made the adorable Mickey cupcakes!

The cupcake tower and picture table. I always look at that NICU picture and I'm so thankful for how far Liam has come!!

The Food! Fruit Kabobs, homemade applesauce, rigatoni and meatballs (amazing!), mac and cheese (and not pictures, garlic bread and crack bread.)  If anyone in Northern Ohio is interested, check out Homespun Catering on Facebook. Kylee does a wonderful job, lots of yummy food and very affordable!! Everyone loved the food!

Tents and balloons

I took a picture of Liam every month on his monthly birthday and created a poster to show how much he's changed and grown in a year!

The Birthday Boy!!!!

Hanging out (before the hail.Yes it hailed!) and enjoying yummy food!

Liam got the idea of presents very quickly!!


All full of cupcake(s) and checking out his new Mickey Car!

I am so blessed to have this little funny guy in my life!!!


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