Friday, November 16, 2012

A little bit of this....a little bit of that.

There hasn't been much to say lately. Just carrying on and getting through the days around here.

The weather has turned colder and with it comes Asthma. Grady had a very bad asthma attack last month and I had to call an ambulance because he was turning blue. That was one of the scariest things I have ever been through. I never want an attack like that to happen again. Unfortunately, it hasn't been super great since then. Grady's been doing a lot of coughing this month and gets winded faster. I have a feeling it is going to be a bad winter.

Aiden is doing super great in school. He just brought home his first quarter report card and it was all A's and one B+ (in Art.)  I'm so proud of him! Socially.... he is still having problems. I don't know if he has any "real" friends in school. He's had some issues with bullying; both at school and the bus stop. He has started seeing a counselor to help with his anxiety and social awkwardness. They have really been focusing on his relationship with Grady because there has been a lot, a lot of friction between the two of them. It got so bad that Grady is now sharing a room with Liam. It's been stressful. Some day, I see progress. Other days, I feel like pulling my hair out. Navigating this world of Aspergers really sucks. I worry every day about what Aiden's future will hold.

Little Liam is a ball of fire! He was running, babbling and into everything. He never, ever sits still! Who would have thought that the baby who started life so very sick would be the one that has the most energy?  He is very smart too! He's advanced in many areas (trying to keep up with his brothers!) and he is my little trouble! But he is just so awesome and so much fun!

How could you not love that little twinkle??

Halloween was cold this year. It got pushed back into November because of Hurricane Sandy and all the nastiness that brought to this area. The boys had fun dressing up....but I think Liam was the only one who enjoyed Trick or Treating.

Aiden was a Zombie and had various forms of the undead over several Halloween activities...

My sister did a great job on his make-up. Guess she learned something during her time as a Screamster!!

Oh did I mention that Liam was in a fight with an Oreo Cookie??

I'm not sure who the winner is......

And finally we finally have a vehicle that fits the entire family! We are the new owners of a Kia Sedona and I LOVE it! Poor Aiden was squished between two car seats in the fusion and it was getting to the point where he refused to ride in the car at all when he couldn't sit shot gun. Something had to be done (especially with the holidays coming up.)
So we are now mini-van people. Or I should say I'm a mini van Mama. And proud of it!

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