Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas is Coming!

It's so hard to believe that it is that time of year already! Of course, the wacky Ohio weather hasn't helped at all. Last week it was almost 70 degrees. Today it's 45 and there is a thick fog hanging around. We've yet to have any snow (although I'm not complaining!)

Somehow Christmas has snuck up on us this year! Only 16 days left. Thankfully, 98% of my Christmas shopping is complete. Thank goodness for layaway and Black Friday deals!!

The boys have already received their video messages from Santa

As you can tell, Grady was absolutely thrilled!  He is ALL about Santa this year!!

And we've had our Rudolph Party with mam-maw!  This year we even had a Rudolph cake and I made hot chocolate in the crock pot.  Aiden isn't usually a fan of hot chocolate but he liked this stuff and drank 2 mugs full!

Liam did pretty good too! He watched the first 5 minutes and then spent the rest of the time causing trouble. He did stop to dance at every song!

Last night the boys had their Christmas Banquet with Stampede of Dreams. They each received a riding trophy with their names engraved on them! Needless to say, they were super excited about this!!

AND there was a special guest!

Liam LOVED Santa. He even tried to give him a kiss when I picked him up!

Whether we'll have a Christmas tree this year is still up in the air. Liam is a hurricane and into everything! I'm terrified he will totally wreck a tree. He did very well at my friends house, but he was also on very good behavior then!  We shall see I suppose.

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