Monday, December 31, 2012


2012 was only slightly better than 2011 for me. And for those of you who know me, 2011 was pretty much the worst year of my life (aside from having my beautiful, ornery Liam.)

2012 still held way too much drama, disappointment, backstabbing, pain, regret and fear. Once again people we thought we could trust turned out to be villains.

Our medical dramas were far from over, as usual. Aiden was diagnosed with Aspergers and Grady had the worst asthma attack ever and ended up in the ER several times for various reasons (head wound, stomach flu, asthma.) and had surgery to remove his tonsils. Liam was diagnosed with seasonal asthma. My brother even had his own medical drama and spent 4 days at Rainbow's babies and children's hospital in Cleveland.

But of course it wasn't all bad.

Liam has grown and changed so much this year. He is full of trouble and energy. He is super smart and amazes us every single day. He keeps me VERY very busy! He still has trouble sleeping but honestly, I don't mind the cuddles he gives in the morning. He's growing up too fast already!

My little Grady hasn't grown a whole lot this year. He's still tiny. But he's been discharged from speech therapy and physical therapy. He's learned how to write his name this year. You may not think that's such a huge deal for an almost 5 year old....but for a child with a major fine motor delay; it's HUGE! He's obsessed with worker things. He asks a million and a half questions a day. Literally. I don't think I'm over estimating on that. I may be under estimating....
It's so hard to believe he's going to be turning 5!

And my Aiden. In 2012 Aiden graduated 3rd grade and Elementary School with straight A's. He started 4th grade and middle school and is so far maintaining an A average! He's become a lego master. Has rode every single roller coaster at Cedar Point (most of them solo!). Aiden earned a first place blue ribboned metal in the Practice Chanter Competition this summer. He's doing awesome in bagpipe lessons and will be ready for a set of pipes as soon as we can afford them!  Aiden has also started in the Big Brother Big Sister program. Just at the beginning of December, he met his assigned Big Brother, who is awesome and such a blessing to us. Aiden is so excited about every minute they get to spend together.

And me?  2012 I decided to take control of me again. In 2012 I've lost 43 lbs. I've gone from a size 26 to an 18. I've given up pop/soda. I work out regularly but I still have a long way to go. In 2013 I plan on hitting my goals. Hopefully before we go to Disney World. I've also made some great new friends that I've come to cherish like sisters!

Highlights of 2012:

*Many Cedar Point trips.

*Irish Festival extravaganzas in Cleveland and Dublin and seeing Enter the Haggis at Beachland Ballroom.

*Aiden winning his blue ribbon in practice chanter.

*Grady's discharge from speech and physical therapy.

*Liam becoming an amazing little person.

*Getting our dog, Moe the Moose!

*Being a Screamster at Cedar Point for Halloweekends. Can't wait for 2013 Halloweekends!

*The boys taking horse back riding therapy. Meeting some amazing, wonderful people who work through Stampede of Dreams. Can't wait until they start again this summer!

*Aiden being involved in the Big Brother program and being blessed with an amazing Big Brother and his wife. Very Thankful for Victor and Robin!

*Brett doing an amazing job building a career and taking care of us. I'm so proud of all he's accomplished this year.

*Aiden turning 9, Grady turning 4 and Liam's first Birthday!

*Meeting some new friends, previously known as the Disney Freak friends.... Currently known as my Disney Sisters!

*Having an awesome summer with my sister being home and growing closer in our relationship.

*Getting a van that fits my family.

*Going to Greenfield Village and Henry Ford Museum with my Grandma and seeing Aiden's amazement at the Titanic Exhibits.

*My Mom getting a job that is perfect for her!!

*My Grandma getting a dog that is perfect for her!

*Losing weight and changing my life.

*A wonderful Christmas!

2012 was another roller coaster year....but these moments (and many more I'm sure I'm forgetting....) Well I wouldn't trade them for anything!

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! May all your dreams come true in 2013!  We're looking forward to some big birthdays (Aiden will be 10, Grady 5 and Liam 2), a possible job change for Brett and DISNEY WORLD!!!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas come and gone.

Christmas came and went as fast as it snuck up upon us.


What a difference a year has made! Look how much my boys have grown!! Of course, Grady still has the same scrunchie smile. I hope he keeps that for a very, very long time!

Grady was super excited for Christmas this year. He told anyone who would listen that he's "so excited!!!"

He's also VERY into construction stuff, so any worker things were a huge hit!

Grady has a new leap pad! He is addicted. He would play this non-stop if I let him.

Paging Dr. Grady!

Grady told everyone he wanted the "WHOLE WORLD" for Christmas. So that's what he got!

Liam, of course, wasn't so sure about this whole Christmas thing. He was pretty excited about Mickey Mouse though.

Opening presents was fun too.

When Liam sees anything Mickey Mouse he starts humming the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song. It's flipping adorable!

Mr. Big Shot loves his new chair/toybox!

And Aiden showed his extreme excitment with squealing at each gift he opened. I love it. I really hope he keeps that excitment for a long time.

And then the BIG surprise......

And probably my favorite picture of all!!

I hope you all had as wonderful of a Christmas as we did!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Broken hearted

Today was a horrific day.

How could anyone kill innocent children? How could a man walk into a class room and shoot 5-10 year old children? Innocent babies who had just began their lives. Children, who this very morning, were probably bouncing off the walls about Christmas, vacation and Santa Claus. And now they are silenced by an Evil, sick man.

I sat in front of the computer watching the coverage of the shooting in Newtown Connecticut. I listened with tears in my eyes. Grady and Liam played in the living room. I knew Aiden was on the bus, on his way home. I couldn't wait to wrap him in my arms.

20 parents won't ever get to wrap their babies in their arms again and that is not fair.

I know a lot of parents held their kids a bit closer tonight. I know I did.

I always tell Aiden "I love you More" before he walks out the door. Now it has a whole new meaning to me. My kids need to know how much I love them. Today was another sad reminder that we never know what life will bring.

My thoughts and prayers are with the children, families and community members of Newtown Connecticut.

Today we saw the evil and darkness that is in this world. But we need to remember there is still goodness and light. For every piece of evil, there is a million more pieces of goodness. I look at my babies and I have to believe that.

This poem was posted on a memorial site for Sandy Hook Elementary School.
This morning I woke up,
looked at the Connecticut sky.
I had a good feeling
I can't tell you why.

I kissed Mommy goodbye,
and told Daddy I love you.
And before we separated at the sign,
I told sister see you soon.

The bell rung,
we all rushed inside.
It was warm and loving
like a campfire light.

The teacher smiled,
my friends waved hello.
We started class,
but before you know..

The door busted open,
a man with a gun.
I was scared and broken
I looked at the sun.

The same sun I saw
with so much love.
Now brought me worry
but I'd stay tough.

I felt a pain
go through my whole body.
I saw a light
and an awful goodbye.

I saw Mommy's face,
her beautiful, soft lips.
I kissed her this morning,
she was something I'd miss.

I smelled Daddy's cologne,
when he hugged me today.
He left for work,
not knowing what life would take.

Sister was only a few blocks away,
in a classroom, I could see
I'll never get to say
how much she means to me.

My 6th birthday was coming soon,
I was dreaming of ponies
and shoes.

Then I felt a hand
touch my face.
I was overwhelmed
in an amazing grace.

God said to me,
"don't be worry, child.
you've been here before.
it's just been a while."

I looked on my back,
where I found wings.
I felt a halo
and clouds under my feet.

With me, when I looked,
were my friends by my side.
That man sent us here,
but I"m alright.

Maybe he was sick,
maybe he was crazy.
Maybe he hurt us
because he was hurting, maybe?

I watch the tears
all over the country.
Over the few years
their pain because of me.

I watched my family
break apart.
but they knew
I was in their hearts.

I don't know much,
but I know this;
my mommy should've never
had to bury her own kid.

Although it's tough,
although it's hard
I think God would want us to forgive
th killer in our hearts.

What you dont know,
but what I'll tell you,
is I'm just fine.
in this heaven of mine.

Maybe this will teach you
to never regret a thing.
Be happy with what God gave you,
because you could've been me.

Now, maybe I was young,
maybe I didn't deserve it.
But maybe I taught a lesson,
now please...learn it.

Love with everything,
always smile a lot.
Remember this lesson,
that I taught.

Wipe the tears,
enjoy the years.
Time goes by fast,
you don't know which day is your last.

Pray for my famlily,
for my friend's family, too.
I'm sure they'll be grateful,
and thankful to you.

I'm an angel,
all brand new.
I came up here
this afternoon.

I would be 6 years old,
but God has a plan.
Remember this feeling of distraught,
remember this lesson that I taught.

Written by J.J. 12/14/12
Edited by S.Z. 12/14/12

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas is Coming!

It's so hard to believe that it is that time of year already! Of course, the wacky Ohio weather hasn't helped at all. Last week it was almost 70 degrees. Today it's 45 and there is a thick fog hanging around. We've yet to have any snow (although I'm not complaining!)

Somehow Christmas has snuck up on us this year! Only 16 days left. Thankfully, 98% of my Christmas shopping is complete. Thank goodness for layaway and Black Friday deals!!

The boys have already received their video messages from Santa

As you can tell, Grady was absolutely thrilled!  He is ALL about Santa this year!!

And we've had our Rudolph Party with mam-maw!  This year we even had a Rudolph cake and I made hot chocolate in the crock pot.  Aiden isn't usually a fan of hot chocolate but he liked this stuff and drank 2 mugs full!

Liam did pretty good too! He watched the first 5 minutes and then spent the rest of the time causing trouble. He did stop to dance at every song!

Last night the boys had their Christmas Banquet with Stampede of Dreams. They each received a riding trophy with their names engraved on them! Needless to say, they were super excited about this!!

AND there was a special guest!

Liam LOVED Santa. He even tried to give him a kiss when I picked him up!

Whether we'll have a Christmas tree this year is still up in the air. Liam is a hurricane and into everything! I'm terrified he will totally wreck a tree. He did very well at my friends house, but he was also on very good behavior then!  We shall see I suppose.