Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas come and gone.

Christmas came and went as fast as it snuck up upon us.


What a difference a year has made! Look how much my boys have grown!! Of course, Grady still has the same scrunchie smile. I hope he keeps that for a very, very long time!

Grady was super excited for Christmas this year. He told anyone who would listen that he's "so excited!!!"

He's also VERY into construction stuff, so any worker things were a huge hit!

Grady has a new leap pad! He is addicted. He would play this non-stop if I let him.

Paging Dr. Grady!

Grady told everyone he wanted the "WHOLE WORLD" for Christmas. So that's what he got!

Liam, of course, wasn't so sure about this whole Christmas thing. He was pretty excited about Mickey Mouse though.

Opening presents was fun too.

When Liam sees anything Mickey Mouse he starts humming the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song. It's flipping adorable!

Mr. Big Shot loves his new chair/toybox!

And Aiden showed his extreme excitment with squealing at each gift he opened. I love it. I really hope he keeps that excitment for a long time.

And then the BIG surprise......

And probably my favorite picture of all!!

I hope you all had as wonderful of a Christmas as we did!

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