Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Our Halloween

We had a wonderful Halloween at our house! (even with the rain holding off trick or treat by a little bit.)

Grady is in love with Captain Hook and wouldn't settle for being anything else.
He makes a great Hook, don't you think?
He got so many comments on his costume and I was so happy he left the wig on for 90% of our trick or treating time.
Grady really got it this year. He loved the entire night. He loved saying "Twick or Tweet!" and would run down the driveway yelling "Lets go someone else's house now!"
He complimented home owners on their "spooky" Halloween decorations and had fun telling random people "I yike your costoome!"
I loved watching his finally understand what was happening and have so much fun.
He went to bed that night and said it was the best night ever.

 Aiden was dying to wear his kilt again and came up with the idea of being a bagpiper for Halloween.
Never mind it was 45 degrees and raining.
He didn't care if it was snowing, he was going to wear his kilt!

Liam.....well, Liam wasn't as impressed with Halloween.
He wore his little Mickey Mouse costume.
Because of the nasty weather and cold, he stayed home with Mam-maw and helped pass out candy.
Next year he'll get his turn.

I LOVE this picture of my little bagpiper.
I just had to share.
I hope everyone had as good of a Halloween as we did!

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