Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I've been thinking about what I am thankful for this year. My family has been through things this year that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. It's been a hard year.

But I'm thankful that we made it through.

I'm thankful for a family, who has done their best to stick together and grow stronger, even in the darkest hours.

For the new family that we will be from now on. A better family.

I'm thankful for my husband, who works so hard and is gone so often. He misses out of so much to provide and take care of me and the boys. He allows me my dream, to stay home and raise my kids instead of working. And I am thankful for that every day.

I'm thankful for my Aiden. For the joy he has brought to my life for the last 8 1/2 years. Even through the trials and frustrations of dealing with ADHD and aspbergers, he is my light. Aiden loves so deeply and is such a compassionate child. I'm so proud of how he's excelled at his bagpipe lessons. He has such a talent and a passion for his music.

I'm thankful for my little Grady. For all the amazing progress he has made this year. 3 years ago, his therapists and doctors didn't know if he would be a "normal" kid. They didn't know if he would walk or talk normally or the severity of his developmental delays.  Now he is almost 4 years old and developmentally very close to where he should be! He has really turned a corner in the last year; like someone flipped the switch.  Now it seems his only significant delays are in his fine motor skills and some upper body strength. It's so wonderful to see him doing normal 3 year old things.  He is ornery and funny. He has an amazing sense of humor and is fluent in sarcasm. He keeps me on my toes and keeps me laughing. My funny little guy.

But this year, I am most thankful for my Liam. My little Liam who went from this:

To this:

I'm so very very thankful that my baby is alive. That he's healthy and happy. Seeing his gummy smiles and hearing his little coos are the greatest gift. I am thankful to all the doctors and nurses at the Toledo Children's Hospital NICU for saving Liam's life. For his wonderful Pediatrician Dr. Trippe who was so active in getting him the proper care. I still lay awake at night and watch Liam sleep. My mind flips through the memories of his first week of life and I am so thankful for how far he has come. He is my little blessing. My angel.

As hard as 2011 has been, I am grateful that I DO have things and people to be thankful for. 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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