Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Four Months Old

It's been four months since my little Liam was born. 16 weeks. 112 days.

And I've loved every single minute of it.

Liam is such a wonderful baby. His big blue eyes are always watching; taking in everything! He loves watching his big brothers play and you can tell he can't wait to be in the middle of that ruckus.

He's a beautiful, happy baby.
With a huge gerber baby smile. He's starting to be ticklish and has an adorable little giggle.

He's recently started cereal. He hated rice cereal. But we're on oatmeal with bananas and that goes down a little easier. Each feeding he eats more and more. Bottle wise; he eats 6 oz every 3-4 hours.

And he's teething like crazy!! Drool everywhere. Fingers always in the mouth. Nom nom nom nom nom.

He loves sitting up. I think it makes him feel like a big boy.

He has some pretty cool big brothers that are defiantly enjoying having him around!

Tummy Time is still a struggle. Liam isn't rolling over yet. But he loves sleeping on his side and will sometimes sleep on his belly. He HATES sleeping on his back.

And speaking of sleep....

Liam is still a wonderful sleeper! He starts out the night sleeping in his crib and usually moves to bed with me about 12:00/1am. I think it's because his room is a lot colder with the door shut than the other rooms. After that, he sleeps until 7:30-8:00. Later on the weekends.

I love my little guy! He is growing so fast and I'm trying to enjoy every day and every moment.

1 comment:

  1. Oh he is do scrummy! I found you from a link on MWOP and loved your post about your boys so much that I had to check it out :)
