Friday, March 23, 2012

6 months old! WHAT?!

Holy. Cow.

How is my Little Liam 6 months old already?!

These 6 months have flow by so fast. It feels like yesterday my angel was born and had to fight for every breath. He was so sick and now look at him!

Isn't he Beautiful?

I am so blessed to have (another) wonderful little guy.  Liam is such a happy baby. He's laid back and easy going. He LOVES attention and being cuddled.

He's just starting to sit up. And he does this little "slug" scoot where he uses just his toes to move his body. He's slug scooted off his blanket already. He's got some mighty strong toes.

And thanks to the surprising weather we've been having, we've gotten to go on lots of walks and spend time outside. Liam loved it!

You can see it in his eyes, he can't wait until he's running around the yard after his brothers.

My sweet, sweet little boy.

At 6 months old, Liam has two teeth, he's starting to sit and he still drools like a St. Bernard. He's had a double ear infection for about 5 weeks but you would never know because he's always so happy. He's discovered that everything tastes good and needs to be put into his mouth, including but not limited to; Toys, fingers, toes, high chair trays, and Mommy's elbow. His brothers are the funniest people ever and never fail to hold his attention. Liam LOVES baby food. He's tried all his fruits and veggies and has just started multi flavored food. He would eat all day if I let him. He's dying to try "real" food. He screams all through dinner because he doesn't have food.  Some baby puffs may soon be in his future. While he's still a serious baby who watches everything, his little personality is emerging more and more.

He's quick to laugh but also has a bit of a temper and has a very loud "ugly yell" when he wants picked up! He is my cuddle bug. He loves rocking and snuggling or touching his little chubby hands to my cheeks.

He's so wonderful. I'm so blessed to have 3 beautiful, amazing, wonderful, PERFECT little boys.

Happy Half Birthday my Little Liam! I love you SO much!! I am so lucky to be your Mommy!

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