Sunday, March 18, 2012

A day late

But I hope everyone had a fun and safe St. Patrick's Day yesterday!!

Yesterday Grady got his first bee sting. We've been having beautiful, warm (borderline hot!) weather for March and all the insects are confused. So we already have bees out! And one found his way up Grady's shorts (yep...shorts in March.....have I mentioned the beautiful weather?!)  and stung him on his thigh. Poor guy. He did pretty well though, kept the ice on and then was ready to go. Today he's a little more wary of playing outside but I don't think that'll last long.

And little Liam now has 2 teeth! Is it good luck for a little Irish boy to get a tooth on St. Patrick's Day?? Hopefully I can get a picture of those little crooked teeth soon. Everytime I try he sticks his tongue out.  Next week, Liam will be 6 months old! How did that happen already?  Poor guy has been fighting a cough and runny nose for almost 7 weeks now. 3 weeks ago he was diagnosed with a double ear infection. Not a big surprise with the kids history (Grady went through 2 sets of tubes, he is finally outgrowing them!) and then a week ago at his recheck we found out they were still infected, so a different med was ordered. Hopefully when we go back tomorrow, they will be all clear!

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