Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Grady's 4 year old check-up

Yesterday was Grady's 4 year old check-up. Going in, he told all the nurses that they needed to check all the food he ate to see how big he's grown.

My little guy is 38 1/2 inches (13%) and 36 lbs (59%). So he's short....but we knew that already!

His asthma is doing okay. He has started coughing more when he gets over exerted but hasn't had a full blown attack because I make him sit down as soon as the coughing starts. He did have a small attack Monday at 2:00am but the Dr. said his lungs sounded strong so I'm not worried.

He is still behind on several areas of development, but again, not a big surprise.

Grady had to pee in a cup, which he thought was totally weird. When the Dr. came in the room, Grady told him he peed in a cup and than proceeded to ask if he could poop in one too! Only Grady....

He had to get a finger prick (no shots), which he did not like! But he was rewarded for being such a good boy with a Shamrock Shake, his new favorite!

Later, he was discussing his hemoglobin test with my Mom. Grady held up his finger and told her he got shot at the dr's. She told him "No, you got a your finger pricked. That's not getting a shot." and then Grady said
" get shot from a bullet."

Oh Grady......

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