Tuesday, March 20, 2012

two little teeth

My baby has two little teeth.  One came a few weeks ago and the other popped up on St. Patrick's Day. They are coming in fast too! I can now see them when he smiles.

Two little teeth.

They are bittersweet.

Those two little teeth are my last "first" teeth.  It's the last time I'll get excited for a first little tooth appearing. I know-he has a lot more teeth to get. But that first tooth is special and I'll never experience that again now. My last baby is growing up way too fast.

In 3 days Liam will be 6 months old! How is he half a year old already? Why does time have to go so fast?  I'm trying so hard to slow down and enjoy every moment of his babyhood but it's still moving way too fast.

Where's the pause button when you need it??

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