Friday, July 13, 2012

My dog shrunk



My dog shrunk......

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I'd just like to say....

Well, WE are in 333 days! Yes.....I know. It's a long time. 11 months. One month less than a year away....BUT WE ARE GOING!

I booked our trip this morning. We are staying at the Art of Animation in the Finding Nemo section from June 9th-15th.

I'm so so excited! It's been over 2 years since my last trip and I'm having withdrawl symptoms (including but not limited to crying at Disney commercials, sniffing candles to find the perfect Disney smell, singing WISHES at the top of my lungs and stalking the Disney blogs for any bit of news....)

And SHHH!!!! It's a surprise for Aiden. He knows we are going......but he doesn't know when we are going. I have it all planned out! On the last day of school, I will pack while he is gone and then we will pick him up. I'll have the car decorated with "WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!"  and it'll totally shock him when he comes out of school. I can't wait!

But it's also bittersweet too because it will be my first trip without my Mom. It's going to be really strange to be in our special place without her and I can't even put into words how much I'm going to miss her when we're there. It feels so strange planning a trip without her.

Now starts my frugal period. No more eating out unless absolutely necessarily. No buying things we don't need. Keeping grocery bills as low as possible. Anything to help raise the money by April 25th.

And it'll happen....because I'm GOING to Disney World!!!!!!!

MICKEY HERE WE COME!!!  (in 333 days......)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July

What a great 4th of July! We had so much fun!

The boys had the chance to ride in the Norwalk 4th of July Parade with Stampede of Dreams (their therapy horse program they participate in.) They thought they were so cool (and they were!)  They rode on the float on the equine horses.

The boys had so much fun! Grady couldn't stop talking about how he waved to people and threw candy at them.

And then, because it's so wicked hot here in Ohio, it was time for a swim!

Liam was wiped out and slept right through dinner!!

Moe had a good time too! He played with his 'cousins' and stole tennis balls.

The boys took a break and played with some legos (for about 3 minutes before the fighting started....)

And then it was time for sparklers!  We had to hurry because it was thundering and we thought a storm was heading in (not a single drop of rain fell!)

Aiden is a fire dancer!

All the boys! My brother, brother-in-law and 3 adorable little guys!

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Waterpark Fun

The weather has been hot, hot, hot here and I felt quite adventurous the other day. So I decided to take all 3 boys to Soak City, on my own. Yup, I was feeling brave!

It was Liam's first trip to a waterpark. He's been having fun swimming in Mam-Maw's pool this week so I wasn't worried about him not enjoying the water.

He thought catching the water was fun.

But enjoyed bear crawling through the shallow water.

Aiden was a good big brother and helped Liam around the baby lazy river.

After a few hours....Liam passed out!

The big kids had fun playing on the slides.

And in the water playground. All in all, it was a pretty easy day. We stuck to the little kids areas (except when Aiden went on the mat racers) and took the stroller along so I wasn't stuck holding Liam everywhere. It was a lot of fun and then we spent more time in Cedar Point!

We'll be back soon!!