Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A screamster of Cedar Point

This year I had the best job ever. Seriously.

I did this!!!

This year was my first year as a Screamster at Cedar Point's Halloweekends and I absolutly LOVED it!! I was lucky enough to be able to do it with my sister as well.

Aren't we cute??

Here's a few pictures from the 7 weeks I spent scaring the crap out of people!

Before the zones opened, all of the Screamsters marched through the midway following the Overlord for our Gathering.

And then the Overlord would send us on our way!

I worked in a zone called CornStalkers. It was basically filled with corn, hillbillies, corn people and some strange pumpkin people.

And we made people scream....cry....pee....and beg for mercy!!

But we were just one big corney family!

I'm so lucky to be a part of the Screamster Family. The past 7 weeks were some of the most fun I have had in a very, very long time. I can not wait to go back next year to make more people scream!!!

Friday, October 5, 2012


I've wanted to get another tattoo for quite a while now.  It was deciding what and where that took so long. I knew I wanted to get the boys names in Gaelic. But I wanted something more.

After browsing Pintrest for a very long time, I finally got an idea of what I wanted with the kids names. It was pretty simple and straight forward but represents my 3 favorite things; My Kids, My love of Disney and My Irish heritage.

Andy at Therapy Ink did the work. I will never go see anyone but Andy, he is amazing!

This is the finished product;

It's on my inner forearm and I absolutely LOVE it!!!!!  It didn't hurt as much as everyone said that area would. It burned more than hurt.

Now I need to find something to put on my other arm.....hhhhmmm.......

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Dear Liam

My dearest Liam,

You've been a year old for almost a week now. It's hard to believe it's been a year already.

The day you were born was one of the best and scariest of my life.  I knew something was wrong the minute they took you to the baby warmer. I could feel that something was not right. Not being able to hold was devastating. Hearing you were being sent to a NICU 2 hours away was ever worse. Watching them take you away, looking so very tiny on a huge stretcher was one of the worst moments of my life.

The week we spent in the NICU was the most challenging I've ever been through. Watching you struggle to breath, hearing all the sounds you shouldn't have been making, being told when I could and couldn't hold you. It was horrible.

But you, my beautiful boy, are a fighter.

We brought you home from the NICU on September 30th. When I walked through the front door, into the arms of your very excited big brothers, it was like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulder. I was finally able to cry over everything we'd been through. I walked through that NICU week in a fog and coming home was such a joy. We'd survived. You'd survived. 

I still think about your birth all the time. I have yet to write down you entire birth story because it's still difficult. I was so terrified I was going to lose you. I still have all the pictures on my phone. I still look at them often and marvel at how far you've come.

And you've come so very far!

Your a 22 pound ball of trouble! You're walking more and more every day. You babble like we understand exactly what your saying. But you do talk real words too. You can say "Mom, Maw, Nom (for Aunt Amanda), Da, Aiden, Grady, kitty, dog, bye, I get it, where go? what happen? I don't know?" and a few others.

You follow your brothers everywhere, especially Grady! You love that he plays with you and when they are doing things that you can't, you are not happy! You love cars and trucks and push them around saying "Vroom".

You adore your MAW and often try to crawl to her house when we're outside. You know where you get spoiled....

You are a HORRIBLE sleeper!! Horrible! And I'm often at my wits end with you at night. You won't go to sleep without being rocked. You never stay asleep. You're always awake in the middle of the night and fight me so badly about going back to sleep, you often end up just sleeping with me so I am able to get some sleep. I think you don't like being alone. If I'm standing in your room, you sleep fine. It's when I leave, you freak! And when you're sleeping with me? No problem at all. I often wonder if your hatred for sleeping alone goes back to your days in the NICU.

At one year old you are 22 lbs and 11 oz, which is 51% and 29 inches, the 28%.  You have 9 teeth but one (or is it two?) is fused together, creating a conjoined tooth. Only 1 in 1,000 kids have this happen. When your older you will have to get x-rays to find out if you have one adult tooth or two under that conjoined tooth. In the mean time, it gives you a wicked cute smile!

Oh Liam, it has been one roller coaster of a year! There has been so many, wonderful ups that they outnumber the downs we have fought together. I am so grateful to be your Mother. I can't wait to see what the next year brings and all the many years to come. You're going to be great baby boy.

I love you so much!


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Liam's First Birthday Party

I can not believe my little baby is a year old! Time has gone by way too fast. He's turning into a little man before my eyes!

On September 22nd we had Liam's Birthday party. Of course, it was a Mickey Theme. Now let me tell you, I had a lot of stress coming into this party! I had 25+ people coming and was planning on using our backyard. And then the weather decided it didn't want to co operate. Days before the party, the weather man was predicting cold and rain all day. So I spent a few days scrambling and was able to line up some tents for the backyard and just prayed it wouldn't be windy!!

I've also been working weekends at Cedar Point as a Screamster. I wasn't going to get home Friday night until 1:00 am-ish. So I was really relying heavily on Brett helping with the cleaning and I had a wonderful friend who started a catering business do all the food. And my wonderful Mom made the adorable Mickey cupcakes!

The cupcake tower and picture table. I always look at that NICU picture and I'm so thankful for how far Liam has come!!

The Food! Fruit Kabobs, homemade applesauce, rigatoni and meatballs (amazing!), mac and cheese (and not pictures, garlic bread and crack bread.)  If anyone in Northern Ohio is interested, check out Homespun Catering on Facebook. Kylee does a wonderful job, lots of yummy food and very affordable!! Everyone loved the food!

Tents and balloons

I took a picture of Liam every month on his monthly birthday and created a poster to show how much he's changed and grown in a year!

The Birthday Boy!!!!

Hanging out (before the hail.Yes it hailed!) and enjoying yummy food!

Liam got the idea of presents very quickly!!


All full of cupcake(s) and checking out his new Mickey Car!

I am so blessed to have this little funny guy in my life!!!