Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Grady

~Since I wasn't blogging when Grady turned 3 in February, I thought I'd do a Grady post now~

 My Silly Wonderful Grady
 He loves to be outside. He always travels with his irish hat.
 He is very tiny for his age and was finally big enough for the "big kid" rides at Cedar Point this year
 Such a silly silly boy
 He is growing up WAY too fast for me. 
 Like his brother, he's a bit of a pirate.
 And soon, he gets to be the Big Brother too!
 My beautiful Angel, don't let the t-shirt fool you
 He's usually a pretty good eater
 He LOVES Toy Story
 Meeting Buzz was one of the happiest times of his life!

Grady LOVES ice cream!

 We almost lost Grady twice in his short 3 years. Once was to H1N1 (the above picture was after the danger passed at the hospital) and the second to a silent asthma attack. I couldn't imagine life without my sweet angel in it.

Grady also keeps me quite busy. He has been in pediatric therapy since 9 months of age; involved in one therapy or another. Officially, Grady is diagnosed developmentally delayed with a motor planning delay. He has made amazing strides in the past year and is only about a year to 6 months behind his peers developmentally.  Currently he is involved in speech therapy (but may soon be discharged) and Occupational therapy. He also does home therapies through the school system with his IEP; PT, OT, Speech and home preschool (because of his weaker immune system, I chose to do home preschool instead of exposing him to so many germs)
We have been to neurologists and developmental specialists. Seen tons of therapists and doctors. No one can tell me why Grady is delayed. There is no "reason" that anyone could find. Which has been a very big frustration to me in the past. We also do not know if it's genetic; so the chances of the new baby having delays as well are probably 50/50.

But my sweet, sweet Grady makes everything worth it. He is the happiest, easy going, hard working child you will ever meet. Everyone falls in love with him. He has a huge grin and a tiny "hi" to everyone he meets, even walking through wal-mart. We can go anywhere and do anything and he's good to go (as long as I bring the fruit snacks!) He works so hard at his "work", he is always impressing his therapists. He is funny, has an amazing sense of humor and sarcasm. My Grady has the best laugh you could ever hear. His giggle could melt the hardest heart.

My beautiful, amazing, wonderful Grady. I love you SO much. You bring so much joy to everyone you meet.

I am such a LUCKY LUCKY Mom to have such amazing boys. They are the biggest blessings in my life. I wouldn't trade them for anything in this world or beyond. 

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