Thursday, June 23, 2011

Plan of Attack

I was finally able to get Aiden into the dr for his adhd issues. He is at the max dosage for Daytrana (the patch he wears) and we didn't want to do an entirely different medication (yet). So our new plan of attack was to add something in addition to the Daytrana.

So, in addition to wearing his Daytrana, Aiden will now take a small dose of Clonidine (1/2 pill twice a day), to kind of take the edge off. I think we've established that he will take one with breakfast and his 2nd about dinner time.

Yesterday was his first day and the first dose made him a little fuzzy headed. He said it felt like "his hamster fell off it's wheel".  But after a few hours, he said the fuzziness went away. I didn't give him his evening dose until after his baseball game (He is still the team catcher and doing great!) because I wanted to avoid fuzziness during the game. He didn't mention any fuzziness in the evening and so far this morning, hasn't said anything either.

So far, the effectiveness is still up in the air.  Yesterday it made him kind of sleepy with the fuzziness. In the evening we had a little whining etc, but I think that was because Daytrana was completely out of his system and the small dose of Clonidine isn't enough to have a "complete control".  This morning we have had a bit of teasing towards his brother but it isn't as bad as the past few weeks. Once again, his Daytrana takes 2 hours to kick in so we're just riding on Clonidine right now.

 I'm hoping this will be a good solution. New medication always makes me nervous.  ADHD meds are always such a trial and error to find the right dosage/combination. It's a very frustrating time because adhd kids body chemicals are so different. We've been lucky to find some good medication for Aiden without too many problems. Hopefully we hit the nail on the head again this time.

I also had a Dr. appt for Liam this week. His heartbeat was at 138 and measuring good. Only problem is I'm down another 2 lbs. I haven't gained any weight this pregnancy, which has me worried. Dr K wasn't thrilled either. We're trying a new heartburn pill in hopes that this will help me be able to eat more regularly (well we will if the insurance will cover it!).  Weight gain has never been a problem in my previous pregnancies, in fact, I gained waaay too much with Aiden and just about right with Grady. So to not gain weight with Liam does worry me.  Dr K. said Liam is probably gaining weight by taking nutrients from me and the prenatal vitamins but there are things he can't create on his own, like amino acids, so it's a tab worrisome.

Hopefully by next month things have changed around a bit; for both Aiden and me!

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