Sunday, June 19, 2011

We love summer!

 Grady hanging out at his favorite place; Mam-maw's house!
 Wearing his fishey coat and making fish faces before a fire at Mam-maw's house. Being Ohio, we still have some cold nights.
 Aiden's ready for some marshmallows!
 Playing at the park
 Wheee! Tried to get Grady to go down too but he was being stubborn.
 My handsome, handsome guys waiting for the Fish Festival Parade.
 Aiden's favorite part; the Fireman's Water Fight!
 Grady started watching from his stroller because it was raining at the same time.
 Aiden was just itching to get closer.
Grady finally joined Aiden in the rain and he really really wanted to jump in that big puddle!

As you can see; our Summer is going pretty well. The boys are staying busy with baseball, therapy appts and playing outside and at Mam-maws house. I can't believe it's already mid June!
We're going to Gettysburg in a few weeks and everyone is super excited; especially Aiden. He is reading everything he can find about the Civil War and Gettysburg. I can't wait to share that special place with him.  

And in less than 100 days- little Liam will be here!! I can't believe things are going so fast!


  1. Just started reading your blog recently and I wondered if you had looked into perhaps red dye contributing to your son's behaviour? I remember reading on another blog (and of course now I can't remember the address) but the woman had mentioned that when one of her girls ate anything with red dye in it, her behaviour was out of control. I'm not trying to say that this is the exact cause of his issues but it might be worth looking into. At this point, if it doesn't work, nothing lost, nothing gained!

  2. Thanks Tasha! I do keep Red Dye out of Aiden's diet. It really does make kids wild, especially adhd/add children. He's gotten to the point where he won't accept red juice or candy from friends because he has learned it's something he's "allergic" to.
    Thanks for your comment (and reading!)
