Thursday, April 28, 2011

My Aiden

                                                              This is my Aiden.
                                       He is a lover of all things Irish, Scottish and Bagpipes

                                                           He loves all things Orange

                                    He loves riding his scooter and trying to ride his 2-wheeler

                                                     Sometimes, he is a bit of a pirate.

                                                       He loves all things Star Wars
                                                             And Indiana Jones.

                                                               He is a wolf Scout

                                                           He loves Snow White
                                                   And recently got his first kiss from her.

                              He loves his family and always finds a way to dance in the rain

                                                          He loves all things Disney.

                                                           He is a big eater!
                                                            And a messy one!

                                             Jamie Holton from Off Kilter is his hero

                                                           He has the biggest, prettiest
                                              blue eyes that show so much of who he is.
                                                        He is the most wonderful,
                                                   caring, protective and loyal
                                                  big brother anyone could hope for.

My Aiden is a lover, not a fighter. He never says a negative word against anyone-even after they have wronged him. He is the most compassionate, caring young man.
                      He is a beautiful soul and I can never express how blessed and honored
                                                         I am to be his mom.       

                    And my little Aiden, my beautiful angel and the light of my life is turning 8 years old tomorrow.

It doesn't feel possible that this tiny baby has turned into such an amazing, beautiful, happy, healthy and brave young man in the blink of an eye.

                              I love you My Aiden, forever and ever. To the moon and back again.
                                                      A million times over again.

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